West Park
And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11–12

Women's Ministries
Women's Ministries support various needs throughout our church family and community and also some non-profit organizations. This is possible through the generous donations from our members. We have a weekly women's bible study, a moms' bible study, and various events throughout the year for the women of West Park to get together. Join us for our annual soup and bread supper each February!
Kingdom Quilters
wednesday's 9:00Am
Kingdom Quilters are a group of people with a common interest of quilting by making quilts and other items. We would love to share our knowledge of quilting with others. Come join us!
Food Pantry
Distribution Ministry
Our food distribution ministry receives, packs, and holds a distribution day monthly to help those in need in the surrounding community. Come share your gifts and join us as we serve out God’s calling for helping those who need it the most.
West Park Reading Library
The reading library is full of books from pre-K to adult. Genres include Christian fiction, Christian living, and biblical texts. The library volunteers accept the book donations, and sort and catalog the books. Seasonally and before holidays they will put books out in the Gathering Space for members to borrow. The library is open for borrowing anytime that the church is open
Music Ministry/Worship Team
Our music ministry and worship team work together to create a powerful “Ancient-Future” worship service where Jesus is the subject and center of our worship. (Revelation 7:9-10). We play special music, as well as sing traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs. The joining together of ancient songs as well as new songs is always to praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.